Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about booking, payment or your passage? Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you can't find a suitable answer to your question, we'll be happy to help.


Not finding the right answer? Then send us an e-mail and we will get back to you.



Das Deutschlandticket (58 €-Ticket) sowie das Seniorenticket-MV (38 €-Ticket) sind ein von der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den Bundesländern gefördertes deutschlandweit gültiges Tarifangebot im Schienenpersonennahverkehr (SPNV) sowie im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV). Auf Grund der Besonderheiten im Schiffsverkehr hier einige Informationen:


Bookings and cancellations        

Tickets are available in advance via online booking, at the ticket office and at various advance booking offices (e.g. tourist informations, spa administration offices, etc.).

Please note: Bookings via e-mail or telephone are only accepted for groups of 15 people or more.


Questions about prices,

tariff regulations and discounts

You can find our prices under the menu item "Prices".

Further information can be found in our General Tariff Conditions (GTC).

You can enquire about group prices by email or telephone.


Luggage transport, hand carts and bulky goods

You will find information on the transport of luggage and bulky goods here.

Please note: If you are travelling with a hand cart or bulky goods, only use the departures of our motor ferry "Vitte", from Schaprode or Vitte (Hiddensee).


General Information

You would like to give away a giftcard, forgot something on board or have feedback for us? Then this is the right place!




I have questions concerning the Privacy Policy.


Arrival and parking

You can find information about your journey to the ship here. Whether you are travelling by car or train, here you will find the quickest and most convenient way to the ports of Schaprode, Stralsund, Wiek and Dranske.

Schaprode port

Parking space I & II
Turn left at the entrance to Schaprode.

Parking space at the port

Approach with Google Maps

Stralsund port

Car park „Am Hafen“
Am Fährwall 14

Car park „Am Ozeaneum“
Am Langen Kanal 6

Approach with Google Maps

Wiek port

Directly at the port.

Approach with Google Maps

Dranske port

Directly at the port or in the village.

Approach with Google Maps

Not finding the right answer? Then send us an e-mail and we will get back to you.