Receive all the timetable information from Reederei Hiddensee and the Wittow ferry easily via messenger on your smartphone. Our free timetable information system sends you the latest breaking news and timetable changes via Notify or Telegram.
Please note that the notifications will be written in german language.
This is how signing up works:
1) Select the messenger service thats supposed to inform you (Notify or Telegram).
2) Follow the instructions on your smartphone and send a message saying "START" to start the service.
3) Send "STOPP" to end the service.
Reederei Hiddensee GmbH itself does not process any of your personal data for the use of the messenger service. Please refer to the privacy policy of the messenger you use.
Further information about short-term changes or cancellations of the timetable of Reederei Hiddensee and the Wittow ferry can be fund here or by calling 038300-240.