Your trip to the island of Hiddensee

from Stralsund

Daily from April to October.

Your trip to Hiddensee from Stralsund

Stralsund spring timetable

valid from 5th April to 25th June 2025

from Stralsund to Hiddensee (spring timetable)

Departure Stralsundvia Neuendorfvia VitteArrival Kloster
  -↬ 19:5020:30-

↬ - Changeover in the port of Neuendorf at 7:50 p.m for arrival at 8:30 p.m in Vitte

from Hiddensee to Stralsund (spring timetable)

Departure Klostervia Vittevia NeuendorfArrival Stralsund
  -06:50↬ 07:30-

↬ - Changeover in the port of Neuendorf at 7:30 a.m for arrival at 9:10 a.m in Stralsund


Stralsund summer timetable

valid from 26th June to 14th September 2025

from Stralsund to Hiddensee (summer timetable)

Departure Stralsundvia Neuendorfvia VitteArrival Kloster
  15:10 ²16:50 ²17:25 ²-
  -↬ 16:50-17:35

↬ Changeover in the port of Neuendorf at 4:50 p.m for arrival at 5:35 p.m in Kloster
² - only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday

from Hiddensee to Stralsund (summer timetable)

Departure Klostervia Vittevia NeuendorfArrival Stralsund
  -06:50↬ 07:30-
  12:00 ²11:30 ²-14:00

↬ Changeover in the port of Neuendorf at 7:30 a.m for arrival at 9:10 a.m in Stralsund
² - from Vitte via Kloster to Stralsund; only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday


Stralsund autumn timetable

valid from 15th September to 2nd November 2025

from Stralsund to Hiddensee (autumn timetable)

Departure Stralsundvia Neuendorfvia VitteArrival Kloster
  -↬ 19:2020:00-

↬ - Changeover in the port of Neuendorf at 7:20 p.m for arrival at 8:00 p.m in Vitte

from Hiddensee to Stralsund (autumn timetable)

Departure Klostervia Vittevia NeuendorfArrival Stralsund
  -06:50↬ 07:30-

↬ - Changeover in the port of Neuendorf at 7:30 a.m for arrival at 9:10 a.m in Stralsund

Please note:

Our timetable can be subject to change. Carriage according to GTC and GTR of the shipping company.

Your trip to Hiddensee

from Schaprode | Wiek | Dranske

from Wiek

