Ticket prices from Stralsund to Hiddensee

Here you will find all ticket pices from Stralsund to Hiddensee.

Stralsund - Neuendorf/Vitte/Kloster valid from 22nd March 2024

Prices valid from 22nd March 2024

Return ticket
(departure and return on the same day)

multi-day ticket
(depature and return on different days. Return no later than 5 months after the departure.)

One-way ticket

Adults (15+ years) 26,00 € 33,60 € 18,00 €
Child/ Adolescent (4 - 14 years)* 12,90 € 16,70 € 8,40 €
Family* 65,90 € 84,90 € - -
Dog/ pet 12,90 € 16,70 € 8,40 €
Bicycle 13,80 € 13,80 € 7,50 €
10-trip ticket adult - - - - 130,00 €
10-trip ticket child/ adolescent - - - - 64,50 €
Surfboard 13,80 € 13,80 € 7,50 €
Windsurfing equipment 23,30 € 23,30 € 12,70 €
measurements 1,00 m (w) - 1,20m (l) - 1,50m (h)
13,80 € 13,80 € 7,50 €

*Family: 2 adults and up to 3 children/ adolescents (4 - 14 years)

Hiddensee is subject to a visitor’s tax. This tax applies to all visitors aged 18 and older and amounts to 2,00 € (April-October) or 1,50 € (November-March). The visitors tax for dogs is 0,50 € throughout the year.

Please enquire group prices (from 15 to 25 + persons) by mail.


Please note:

Our timetable can be subject to change. Carriage according to GTC and GTR of the shipping company.