Timetable Schaprode

Your trip to Hiddensee

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Caution If you want to book a day trip with this route, this is unfortunately not possible due to the departures we offer. If you want a one-way trip or a multi-day trip, please ignore this message. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: 0461 864-44

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Your trip to Hiddensee

from Schaprode

Our passenger ferries take you quickly and cheaply from Schaprode to Hiddensee. You can find the exact departure times in the tables below.

Schaprode winter timetable

valid from 4th November 2024 to 6th March 2025

from Schaprode to Hiddensee (winter timetable)

Monday - Friday

Departure Schaprodevia Neuendorfvia VitteArrival Kloster
  06:00 *-06:45-
  08:30 *-09:15-
  11:20 *-12:05-
  14:50 *-15:35-
  17:00 *-17:40-
  17:10 ¹17:30 ¹-18:15 ¹
  18:40 ²19:05 ²19:40 ²20:00 ²

* - guaranteed bicycle transportation (Motor ferry Vitte)
¹ - Monday - Thursday
² - only on Friday

from Schaprode to Hiddensee (winter timetable)

only Saturday

Departure Schaprodevia Neuendorfvia VitteArrival Kloster
  08:30 *-09:15-

* - guaranteed bicycle transportation (Motor ferry Vitte)

from Schaprode to Hiddensee (winter timetable)

only Sunday

Departure Schaprodevia Neuendorfvia VitteArrival Kloster

Schaprode winter timetable

valid from 4th November to 6th March 2025

from Hiddensee to Schaprode (winter timetable)

Monday - Friday

Departure Klostervia Vittevia NeuendorfArrival Schaprode
  -07:15 *-08:00
  -09:45 *-10:30
  -12:30 *-13:15
  -16:00 *-16:45

* - guaranteed bicycle transportation (Motor ferry Vitte)

from Hiddensee to Schaprode (winter timetable)

only Saturday

Departure Klostervia Vittevia NeuendorfArrival Schaprode
  -12:30 *-13:15

* - guaranteed bicycle transportation (Motor ferry Vitte)

from Hiddensee to Schaprode (winter timetable)

only Sunday

Departure Klostervia Vittevia NeuendorfArrival Schaprode

* - guaranteed bicycle transportation (Motor ferry Vitte)

Please note:

Timetable is subject to change. Carriage according to GTC and GTR of the shipping company.


Schaprode preseason timetable

valid from 7th March to 4th April 2025

from Schaprode to Hiddensee (preseason timetable)

Departure Schaprodevia Neuendorfvia VitteArrival Kloster
  06:00 ¹-06:45 ¹-

¹ - only from Monday to Friday

from Hiddensee to Schaprode (preseason timetable)

Departure Klostervia Vittevia NeuendorfArrival Schaprode
  06:30 ²06:50 ²07:30 ²07:55 ²
  06:50 ¹-07:30 ¹07:55 ¹
  -07:25 ¹-08:10 ¹

¹ - only from Monday to Friday
² - only on Saturday and Sunday

Your trip to Hiddensee

from Stralsund | Wiek

from Wiek

